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God is a relational God. How does God’s nature as relational shape the world that you live in and how you understand that world? How does the world shape the relational God? How do you see the impression and influence of organized Christianity in today’s world? This assignment asks you to prepare to have courageous and uncomfortable conversations with yourself and others about organized Christianity.
Research and read 2–4 resources beyond those assigned in this course (the optional readings each week are a good place to start). Then prepare a brief 5-minute narrated presentation with visuals exploring the following aspects of today’s organized Christianity:
1. How do concepts and voices from your additional research connect with both the nature of today’s organized Christianity and the nature of God as relational and missional?
2. How do standard faith practices address the following needs? What works and what is not working?
1. Relationships/belonging
2. Loneliness/isolation
3. Wisdom
4. Vocation/purpose
3. What are some questions for further study that result for you from explorations for this presentation? How might you be called to a journey similar to Abraham and Paul?


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