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This research paper focuses on a problem associated with ‘development’ that needs to be addressed considerately. You must also provide a couple of solutions that would help address the problem and alleviate its adverse effects.

1. Start with your thesis. Let the thesis guide your research paper. Have a clear & precise understanding of your thesis. Your thesis should be debatable and narrow, as your thesis will have to be supported by evidence. The literature review and the class readings will help you back up your thesis as you are not collecting original data.
2. The introduction should start with the background information. You must explain what you want to do in the paper, your goal, and how you plan to approach your research topic. It would be best to conclude your introductory paragraph with your thesis or research question.
3. The second part or the body of the paper expands on the thesis. Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence and provide arguments and relevant evidence to support it. Writing as many body paragraphs as you have the key points would be best.
4. The final part is the conclusion: here, restate your thesis statement & briefly summarize the key points of your paper.


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