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Choose any pre-recording to review for the assignment just make sure it’s in Durham, NC. here are some resources she said would help with the assignment I think the only one that are important is the county meetings which is the last link.

Review the City and County of Durham websites and familiarize yourself with current strategic priorities before viewing a live recording or face-to-face meetings of a City Council or Board of County Commissioners. Social workers should also be aware of recent community initiatives, policies, and procedures that affect the overall well-being of individuals, families, and communities on a micro, mezzo, and macro scale. The following should be addressed in the reflection paper after selecting one meeting to review:

To ensure the well-being of Durham residents, what actions are being taken to address Durham City or County policies and procedures?
Identify and discuss two peer-reviewed articles that support your position.
Highlight three suggestions to support your position/ recommendations to the Mayor, City Council, or County Commissioners. Provide scholarly evidence to support your recommendations to elected officials.

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