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Write a six to nine-page (1500-2250 words) essay that relates and applies the course material found in Module Six to two of the online videos.
● Behind the Wall; 2010 (video; 49:00 CC) https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2675576109
● Life Inside Out; 2005 (video, 1:13:29 CC) https://www.nfb.ca/film/life_inside_out/
Module 6, Section 6.1:
The Kingston area was chosen to be Ontario’s first prison because it was centrally located near many southern towns, so prisoners could be cheaply transported there for confinement. Today, the area still hosts six different correctional centers. First called the “Provincial Penitentiary of the Province of Upper Canada,” Kingston Penitentiary was built in 1835 as a single, large limestone cellblock with 150 cells in five tiers. It would grow to become the largest public building in Ontario and most of the expansion construction was done by inmate labour not local workers, which explains why “among Kingston workingmen, the emergence of the penitentiary was regarded as an ill wind that blew no good” (Palmer, 1980). (Module 6, Section 6.1, Canada’s Foundational Penitentiaries: Kingston and Stony Mountain)



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