The Health Perception-Health Management Pattern investigates how people manage and view their health. A person’s comprehension of their health state, any health problems they may have, and their views and actions around health management are all evaluated by nurses. It asks questions on getting medical help, living a healthy lifestyle, and following doctor’s orders.
Toddlers’ awareness of their health and capacity to handle it are the topic of the book Health Perception and Management. It entails evaluating their awareness of their bodies, fundamental health behaviors, and reliance on caregivers to maintain their health (Reihchelle Bayad, 2020). A toddler’s eating habits, food choices, and capacity to consume a balanced diet are assessed by their nutritional-metabolic pattern. Toddlers’ bladder and bowel control, including potty training and diaper use, are assessed using the Elimination Pattern.
This pattern accounts for the toddler’s metabolic rate and food requirements. Both toddlers’ nutritional needs will vary depending on their ages. While a younger toddler may still be nursing or be making the transition to solid food, an older toddler may have a more varied diet that includes foods from different food groups. Analyze your patient’s eating habits, food preferences, and any hunger, digestive, or growth-related issues that may exist.
Toddlers as young as one year old and as elderly as three years old still rely on caregivers to manage their health. They still rely on adults to give them a secure environment, meet their medical needs, and provide them with a nutritious diet.
There are minute variations in nutrition and metabolism. This part investigates the toddler’s feeding routines, caloric intake, and any other nutritional trends, according to Silver Butcher & Jones (2021). As a result, a one-year-old is making the transition from breast or formula milk to only consuming solid food, and may have specialized feeding needs as well as preferences for foods with particular tastes and textures. The food options for three-year-olds are more varied. Additionally, they exhibit independent eating patterns and have a better grasp of nutrition.
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