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The CMS considers patient engagement a quality metric for a learning healthcare system.
● Patient engagement is a major focal point of stage 2 MU of HER.
● Patient Engagement in Health and Health Care Framework by Carman et al. presents different forms and levels of patient engagement across the healthcare system.
● Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care recognizes the vital role families play by providing emotional, social, and developmental support, ensuring the health and well-being of all family members
● The Level of Engagement with Health Care framework considers the engagement, quality, and safety of mobile apps. Clinicians can identify trustworthy apps that serve the engagement of high-need, high-cost populations.

Consider content covered in chapter 5 concerning policy changes in the United States and the strategic plan needed to improve care and drive down cost through health information technology. Give at least 3 examples of an information technology policy change that has supported patient engagement.

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