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  1. Select a current event (e.g., entertainment, political, national/local news stories, etc.) in
    which there is a clash of cultures involving group identities. The group identity does not
    have to be racial or ethnic, but may also include groups based on gender, political or
    religious affiliations, sexual orientation, etc. Designate one group as “Culture A” and the
    other as “Culture B.”
    Provide an objective and concise overview of the presenting problem. What is the event
    or incident that triggered the clash?
  2. What message is Culture A trying to convey? What are the important issues and what
    would it mean to them to see their desires fulfilled? What is the fear if these desires are
    not fulfilled? In what ways might they be blind to their own contributions to the problem?
  3. What message is Culture B trying to convey? What are the important issues and what
    would it mean to them to see their desires fulfilled? What is the fear if these desires are
    not fulfilled? In what ways might they be blind to their own contributions to the problem?
  4. Evaluate the situation from the perspective of the Tao or Natural Law. What objective
    values do each culture appeal to (e.g., Special Beneficence, Justice, Truthfulness, etc.)?
    What additional values would be important to the conversation? In your response,
    demonstrate that these values are universal and not limited by ethnocentric
  5. What recommendations would you make to move forward? How might each culture
    embrace mutual responsibility? Does the situation require an innovative solution unique
    to both cultures? If you believe one culture is “right,” make sure you show this from the
    perspective of the Tao or Natural Law.
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