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Go to the following websites and read the background information about stem cells:

Stem Cell FAQs

On the Bedford website, read all of the provided information and click on ALL of the embedded video links listed there (Stem Cells- What is a Parthenote Stem Cell, What are Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Stem Cells- What are Nuclear Transplant Stem Cells).

Question 1
Describe what stem cells are and where they come from. Be sure to include details that indicate you read the information on both websites.
Question 2
Describe what Stem Cell Therapy is. Be sure to include details that indicate you read the information on both websites.
Question 3
List at least one scientific advantage and one scientific (not ethical!) disadvantage involved in using embryonic stem cell therapy. These should not be related to cost or ethics, but rather should detail what technical challenges exist.
Question 4
Is using these cells unethical? Why or why not?
Question 5
Should the government continue to use tax dollars to fund embryonic stem cell research? Or should this kind of research be restricted to private research institutions? Why or Why not? (Consider that under the Bush administration, tax monies could only support research conducted on already existing embryonic stem cell lines- a policy which was recently reversed under the Obama administration.


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