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Real World Application APA Written Paper
Write a 1 ½ to 2-page paper discussing the following prompt:
Your paper should contain the following:
1. Provide, define, explain, and discuss a selected social issue or concern
This issue or concern can be one which impacts you personally and/or
can impact society in general.
Be sure to include numerical/statistical data related to the issue, such
as the number of societies dealing with the issue, the number of people
dealing with the issue, data on how long the issue has been
problematic, etc.
2. Investigate and explain types of solutions for the chosen issue.
Be sure to include numerical/statistical data related to solutions as well.
3. Provide a conclusion/summary on the impact of the chosen issue for
both individuals and society based on the info you presented in
Sections 1 and 2 of the paper.
Use APA format for your cover/title page and reference page. Be sure your
references are peer-reviewed and reputable (2). Be sure the statistical data you
incorporate is also from reputable sources.

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