Watch the movie Silver Lining Playbook (I have attached a link)
Write up a case summary/case history for Bradley Coopers character Pat Solitano (I have attached an example of what a case summary/case history should look like. Use the Tony case summary/case history as an example ) and then answer these questions below:
1.) What are the key developmental or historical factors in this case study that are critical for a proper bio-psycho-social assessment? Why are these factors critical?
2) What is known about Pats mental status from the narrative provided? What is not known? What are three critical pieces of information that are missing and must be ascertained regarding mental status in order to formulate an accurate assessment and effective treatment plan for Pat?
3.) What are your primary concerns about this client? Why?
4.) What are the critical factors presented in this case study that are relevant to formulating a proper diagnosis for this client?
5.) What is your diagnosis? Do you have a differential diagnosis? If so, what is it or what are they and why? (For this part, write/format it the exact way that i did in the example i have uploaded titled “Diagnosis Paper.” I believe Pats diagnosis is going to be a biploar disorder, make sure to also note the specifics of the diagnosis as you will see in the DSM. Make sure to look at the DSM-5-TR when writing this section. Also, make sure for the differential diagnosis that you are choosing ones that are very similar to the actual diagnosis and explaining your reasoning as to why it isn’t the diagnosis
6.) What would be your treatment recommendations for this client? Be specific- as if you were producing a formal treatment plan? Write about the therapy that you will use and what the formal treatment plan of what you will be doing and working on with Pat as if you were seeing him as a client and you are therapist.
7.) Would you recommend any interdisciplinary involvement or intervention? What type(s) and why?
8.) What factors would you consider in determining what type of theoretical or treatment approach to take with Tony? What approach or theoretical orientation would you utilize and why?
9.) What would you keep in mind when thinking about engagement with this client in the early phase of treatment? What do you believe would be an effective approach to engaging this client and why?
10.) What are your thoughts regarding transference and countertransference with Tony? How may these thoughts or concerns effect or “play out” in his treatment? Would these considerations be beneficial or potentially damaging to the treatment and why?
11.) Would you like to work with this client? Why or why not? What feelings were elicited in you while reading this narrative?
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