Sex and gender
Read “Critical Reflection” handout. Choose any article in Plante and Maurer that has NOT been
assigned already to critically reflect upon (if you choose a short article, will you have enough
text for a critical reflection?). You will use past feedback and the handout to construct a 2-page
critical reflection “paper.” While you will have to work to communicate in complete sentences
that can be understood by an outside reader, in 2 double-spaced pages, the completed
structure (using the handout as a checklist and template for your headings) of your product will
combine sentences into more of an outline form.
Instructions: !
To get a passing grade on this exercise you should do the following: !
1. Find one article. Choose any article in Plante and Maurer that has NOT been assigned
already to critically reflect upon (if you choose a short article, will you have enough text for a
critical reflection?). You will use past feedback and the handout to construct a 2-page critical
reflection “paper.” While you will have to work to communicate in complete sentences that can
be understood by an outside reader, in 2 double-spaced pages, the completed structure (using
the handout as a checklist and template for your headings) of your product will combine
sentences into more of an outline form. !
3. Read your article, think about it’s fit in the overall course content and your life experience. !
4. Write a critical reflection according to the following instructions:
a. Format: The reflection should be written on a computer and type size 12 should be used. It
has to be handed in either as a .pdf or .doc document.
b. Length: The number of words should be between 1,000 and 1,200. If the essay has
significantly less or more then 2 pages, I will not correct it at all. !
d. Spelling and Grammar check: Before handing in your paper (or your pair’s paper to be exact)
it should pass a spelling and grammar check (Word or Apples corresponding software are
recommended). If we find too many spelling or grammatical errors we will stop correcting it and
return it back without comments (and without a passing grade).
• Deadline for handing in your paper is Monday, November 10 6:00 MST. Late handins
will not be accepted.
5. Hand in your paper by putting it in the Dropbox on D2L. !
A critical reflection should contain the structured academic version of the ideas and thoughts
you get when reading for example one or more articles. You ideas and thoughts should then be
discussed throughout your reflection and different aspects should be considered and so on. For
example; you could discuss if you find something particular interesting, if the article presents
you with an opposing views or if they do not. Do they contradict other course content, or your
experiences, and what could the reasons be for this? Do you think the authors are ignoring
something important? !
These are just some examples of ways to think when you read the articles. You must “build your
own bridges” using the material provided by your article. Your paper, your critical reflection,
should be constructed from ideas or comments found in the article and what you supplement it
with and that you develop in some way. !
When you write your paper remember that the paper must have an Introduction, a body and a
Conclusion. Here follows some tips and instructions for the different parts: !
Introduction !
There should be a “thesis statement”. This is one or perhaps two sentences that tell the reader
what you are going to discuss and argue. You should also provide some context for the
discussion which will follow (this might introduce the articles that you are basing your work on)
and indicate how you intend to organise the essay. !
Main body !
Check that each paragraph contains a main idea and supporting ideas. Is there a topic sentence
that indicates the main message of the paragraph? This is something we took up in the first
lecture. Do you connect the sentences and paragraphs in a logical manner? Are sentences
punctuated appropriately? This too was taken up in the lectures. !
Conclusion !
Is there a summary or conclusion at the end of your paper? Does the conclusion how the body
of your text is relevant? Does it all tie together at the end? The conclusion should not introduce
any new issues. !
General !
• Do you define the terms you use clearly?
• What does the paper do (describe a situation, explain causes and effects, develop an
argument)? !
• Is the in-text referencing correct and consistent throughout the paper?
• Have you quoted correctly?
• Is your reference list complete and correct?
• When you have written the first draft of your paper, make a check list from the sections
above and ensure that you have satisfied all the points. Two pairs of eyes should
manage this effectively, or read it aloud. Fix anything that needs to be fixed. Remember
that successful writing is the product of a number of drafts.
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