Case study:
Megan Smith, a 22 year-old white female, is here for her annual checkup. She states that she is in overall average health, and her last checkup was estimated about a year ago. Asthma is seasonal because she reported that cold weather in the winter she begins to have shortness of breath and in springtime she is wheezing and has shortness of breath because of the pollen. Pre-diabetes because her hemoglobin is A1c : 6.8. Controlled by diet and exercise. High cholesterol is due to eating fast food on the street and ordering take out. She should take 10mg pill of Lipitor every night.
Health problem/risks:
1- Asthma
2- Pre- diabetes
3- High cholesterol
The patient is at risk with these 3 health problems. Please provide a reliable source within 5 years of being published as a detailed and rational explanation to support the health risks mentioned and cite it APA.
• APA format with intext citations
• Word count minimum of 250, not including references.
• References: 3 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.
o Each health risk should have at least one reference within the last 5 years.
• Plagiarism free.
• Turnitin receipt.
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