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A reflection paper is based totally on one’s response to an event, not on research. This assignment is an opportunity for students to share their thoughts on recent developments in this country/world, who is involved in these activities, and how the United States/world should approach this topic.
First, carefully view the documentary, “Renters in America Are Running Out of Options.” It is produced by Vice News. Be sure to take notes while viewing the film. This film can be viewed at the following link
• Begin by summarizing the documentary. Afterwards, explain if your expectations of the documentary were met; did the documentary fully discuss the topic? State and explain why you feel this way. In this documentary, renters were described as “hostages.” Why were they described that way?

• The body of the paper should give specific information about what you saw and heard in the documentary which left a lasting impression on you. Which facts stand out the most? What did you learn that you never understood before about renting housing in the United States? Be specific. Explain why this information left such a strong impression on you. Has this documentary challenged the way you look at renting? Do you think it makes more sense to rent or own a home? Explain your answer. State three questions you had about homelessness before viewing this film. Does the documentary contradict what you previously thought about homelessness? Before you saw this documentary, what did you think was the chief reason why people were homeless? Are the homeless treated differently from those who own homes? Explain your answer. State three new questions you have regarding the homeless.

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