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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Although many films address the topic of Freudian psychoanalysis, Fight Club uniquely projects common Freudian themes as symbols in its characters and even in the titular organization. The film is meant to show how two opposing individuals (portrayed by Edward Norton and Brad Pitt) interact antagonistically in their personas, their attitudes, and their behaviors. These two characters do, however, have a common ground to resolve their differences: fight club. The organization of fight club represents a battle zone for two competing wills (Norton as the Narrator and Pitt as Tyler Durden). Moreover, the fight club serves as its own character that results when too much tension arises between the Narrator and Durden. The films director, David Fincher, then foreshadows the idea that the two characters are elements of the same person, whose constant conflict represents common Freudian principles like tension from equilibrium, psychic motivation (id, ego, and superego), conscious defenses mechanisms. Your assignment (if you choose to do so) is to write a persuasive essay that supports this assertion by providing evidence from the film and evidence from the scientific community (i.e., a minimum of two journal articles to support the content of psychoanalysis). You should answer all of the following throughout the paper:

a.) An introduction that gives an overview of your assertion (i.e., that the film represents Freudian concepts).

b.) A rationale that explains how tension and strives toward equilibrium are evident.

c.) A clear characterization of how psychic forces (i.e., id, ego, superego) are represented in the story

d.) A clear characterization of three defense mechanisms that are consciously depicted in the film. Also, find at least three articles to support the scientific support of defense mechanisms in human behavior. You must CITE AND REFERENCE these articles (and the film) along guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition.

e.) An explanation of how the films conclusion provides an adequate ending that represents psychoanalysis. Also included should be how such an ending symbolizes social living in the current day (i.e., evidence to support your point).

Your assignment will be evaluated by a rubric that covers the following:

a.) Organization of thought (i.e., how well you develop your argument and support your points)

b.) Relevance of your examples (how well your examples actually illustrate what you are trying to say).

c.) Analytical abilities (how well you use the literature to demonstrate the science that supports your assertions).

d.) Reflective abilities (how well can you tie together your analysis via your proposed conclusion).

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