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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

The evolutionary psychology perspective has generated a good deal of controversy with its approach to gender differences in mate selection and jealousy. According to this perspective, there are biological and evolutionary reasons for the traditional “double standard” applied to male and female sexuality (the “double standard” being that it’s “okay, normal, expected, even admired” for men to “sow their wild oats”, whereas it’s a sign of “promiscuity, being a slut, or immoral” for women to show the very same kinds of behavior).

What do you think of the evolutionary psychology theory and research that deals with this issue? Can you think of other, alternative, explanations for the observed gender differences? If there is any truth to the evolutionary psychology perspective, what implications do you think it has for male/female relations?

APA Format/Times New Roman/Size 12 Font

Cite all sources used, NO PLAGIARISM!

Between 10-12 sentences long

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