Project description
This is an assignment of management, needed the student finish studying the chapters (management and the evolution of management thought and Defining the manger’s terrain)
1: what is management and what do mangers do
Is the manger’s job universal
Early developments in management thinking
Management trends and issues
2: the organization’s culture
the enivronment
managing in a global environment
social responsibility and managerial ethics
the decision making process and limits to rationality
The assignment format
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Assignment File 1
Assignment 1
Due date: 24 Nov 2014
Coverage: Units 1–2
Length: The total length of essay-type questions should not exceed 2,000 words. Those exceeding the upper word limit will be strictly penalized.
Important note
You must use word processing software (such as Microsoft Word) to prepare the TMAs, and submit the TMAs via the Online Learning Environment (OLE). All assignments must be uploaded to the OLE by the due date.
Failure to upload a TMA in the required format to the OLE may result in the score of the TMA being adjusted to zero.
Question 1 (20 marks)
For each of the following ten sub-questions, select the best answer. Each correct answer is worth 2 marks.
1 The candy market in Asia has grown recently as more Asians imitate the American lifestyle, and Hershey has decided that to grow it must start selling to the Asian markets. This decision was part of which management function?
A planning
B organizing
C leading
D controlling
2 The marketing manager of Interstate Bakeries was asked to meet with the organization’s research and development department to explain why the company needed to change its 25-year-old package design for Twinkies. The marketing manager took on an interpersonal role as:
A liaison
B disseminator
C disturbance handler
D figurehead
2 MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management
3 Which of the following would be a part of an organization’s specific environment?
A the technology it uses to make its product
B new laws controlling its product’s exportation
C the economy in which it operates
D its competitors
4 The __________ is the set of key values, beliefs, and attitudes shared by organizational members.
A industry code of ethics
B internal environment
C organizational culture
D organizational strategy
5 Doug has a low-paying job for a telecommunications company. Every day when he goes home from work, Doug puts a headset, a stapler, or something similar in his lunch box and takes it with him. Doug sees nothing wrong with his behavior since he feels inadequately paid. In terms of the stages of moral development, Doug is operating at which level?
A postconventional
B legally mandated
C preconventional
D none of the above
6 Which of the following is a recommendation for how managers can model and encourage ethical behavior in employees?
A use resources only for company business
B handle information in a confidential and honest manner
C set reasonable rather than unreasonable goals
D all of the above
7 The ________ perspective is that management’s social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society’s welfare.
A socio-cultural
B socio-economic
C socio-legal
D socio-political
Assignment File 3
8 Neither Chile nor Peru has a mass-market café culture, but this fact has not stopped Starbucks from trying to determine what can be done to make its coffee houses successful in those markets. By recognizing that people in these two South American countries do not drink coffee as people in the United States do and that it needs to change this habit, Starbucks has begun a __________ process with problem identification.
A rational decision-making
B trend analysis
C satisficing
D selection of optimal solutions
9 Japanese-based Bandai, the world’s third-biggest toymaker, plans to acquire several smaller companies in an effort to knock Mattel out of its first place in the industry. Due to _____, it will not have access to all of the information it would need to make a 100% satisfactory selection of the toy manufacturers it needs to acquire to reach its goal.
A bounded rationality
B satisficing standards
C resource maximization barriers
D synergistic issues
10 Darren Zhang of the University Career Center received word of a job opportunity from a marketing consulting firm, and he sent the e-mail on to all marketing majors. Darren is playing a(n) __________ role.
A interpersonal
B technical
C informational
D liaison
Question 2 (20 marks)
a You have studied and understood well the contingency approach to management. However, your boss, who has a background in engineering, is not so convinced about the usefulness of this approach. How can an approach in which we say ‘it depends on the situation’ be useful to managers? Explain. (10 marks)
b Explain, with illustrations based on an organization which is familiar to you, the four
factors in an organization’s specific environment. (10 marks)
4 MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management
Question 3 (30 marks)
a Social responsibility was hardly thought of in the old days. A company’s most important goal was to maximize profit for its shareholders. Today, for-profit enterprises generally make a point of ‘putting something back’ into society as well as taking something out. Not everyone, however, agree with these new priorities. Identify and explain five arguments in favor of social responsibility and five arguments against social responsibility. (15 marks)
b Rationality, bounded rationality and intuition are among the management decision-making approaches. Comment whether intuition is a valid approach to making decisions in organizations. Why or why not? How might intuition be combined with a rational decision approach? (15 marks)
Question 4 (30 marks)
Read the following case and answer the questions that follow.
Case: Global Stumble
It’s not always easy to do business globally, as executives at Japanese brokerage firm Nomura Holdings Inc. are discovering. Nomura acquired Lehman’s international operations in late 2008 after Lehman’s parent company sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, an action that added about 8,000 non-Japanese workers. For Nomura, the time seemed right to strengthen its global expansion strategy. However, since the acquisition, cultural and business differences between the two organizations have been a major stumbling block. Although blending two diverse cultures requires intentional efforts when different organizations merge or are acquired, it’s particularly challenging when the key assets in the cross-border acquisition are the people employed by the organization being acquired.
Workplace tensions arose over executive compensation, how quickly decisions were made, and how women were treated. For instance, during Nomura’s initial training session for new hires, the men and women were separated. The women – many of whom had earned prestigious degrees from the likes of Harvard – were taught how to wear their hair, serve tea, and choose their clothing according to the season. The company’s dress code was strictly interpreted for women, also. Women from Lehman were told to remove highlights from their hair, to wear sleeves no shorter than mid-bicep, and to avoid brightly colored clothing. Several women were sent home from the trading floor for dressing ‘inappropriately.’ One said, ‘I was sent home for wearing a short-sleeve dress, even though I was wearing a jacket.’ A Nomura spokesperson said, ‘The dress code is displayed on the company’s intranet and is intended to ensure that clients and colleagues don’t feel uncomfortable.’
Assignment File 5
Lehman bankers also said they found the process for getting approval on deals was ‘slower and more difficult than it was at Lehman.’ Also, at Lehman, clients were categorized, in large part, by the fees they paid. At Nomura, more emphasis was placed on other factors, such as the length of the relationship. The bankers at Nomura said that ‘their new colleagues were too willing to dump loyal clients for a quick profit.’
In its defense, Nomura has tried to blend the two cultures. In offices in Europe and in Asia outside of Japan, there’s a mix of nationalities. Also, the company has promoted a handful of non-Japanese employees to high-ranking positions. ‘To reduce the Tokyo-centric nature of the company, Hiromi Yamaji, head of global investment banking, moved to London, and Naoki Matsuba, global head of equities, moved to New York.’ Until March 2010, Nomura’s executive committee was all Japanese men. However, in an attempt to make the company more globally oriented, an ex-Lehman executive and foreigner, Jasjit ‘Jesse’ Bhattal, a native of India, was promoted to the committee. Nomura’s deputy president and chief operating officer, Takumi Shibata, said, ‘When your business is global, management needs to be global.’
a What obvious cultural differences between Nomura and Lehman do you notice in this situation? Explain. (10 marks)
b What global attitude do you think characterizes Nomura? Be specific in your description. Do you see any evidence of that changing? Explain. (10 marks)
c Do some cultural research on Japan and the United States using the Hofstede’s five dimensions of national culture. Compare those cultural characteristics. What similarities and differences exist? How might these cultural differences be affecting the situation at Nomura? (10 marks)
Source of case and questions: Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter (2012) Management, 11th edition, NJ: Prentice Hall, 121.
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