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1. What was your own reaction to the article? How do you think your classmates reacted? Do you have any personal experience in relation to this article?
2. In the article, what is “lunch shaming”? How does this term relate to bullying?
3. What is Cook’s claim (thesis)?
4. What evidence and sources used throughout the article? What evidence was effective? What evidence was ineffective?
5. Are Cook’s sources convincing? Does she provide enough sources? Elaborate and explain using the following questions as a basis:
a. What side does Cook leave out?
b. Who/What else could Cook have researched, consulted, or interviewed? Think about experience and education levels.
6. If everyone in the United States follows the same practice like New Mexico, could the same be said about the remaining states (think about size and that each state has a different set of standards)?
7. Does Cook provide a plan of action to help the “lunch shaming” problem in the United States? Is this plan effective? Elaborate and explain.
8. What qualifications does the author have? Do you think she is qualified to write about this topic? Do a quick Google search and think about what the article states about the author at the beginning. What can you find out about Shayna Cook? Try to stay away from social media.
9. What about the publishers? On Google, look up Education Week, Washington Monthly, and New America Weekly (do not worry about Slat as it requires a subscription to use). Who are their target audiences? How can you tell? Elaborate and explain. Do you see any parallels between these publications?
10. What about the way Cook uses language? Yes, the article is in English, but think about:

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