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Please help me come up with a policy that is original that is not passed in legislation. It could be about any topic of anything controversial. Most importantly, make the policy ORIGINAL. The policy has to be something that is not already passed as a bill. Please check to see what ever law propose is not already passed. We are practicing making new laws to be put into effect. Only write about what is asked below only. This is only the first part of law formulation. This essay part is only about the formulation phase only aka setting the agenda. It is to describe the problem and provide examples/ possible solutions to a problem.
Needs to be able to compromise I need to able to identify who will oppose the bill and who will be a proponent. More or so what groups would be for this bill, what groups would be against, the bill and why? Please help me come up with a policy that is original that is not passed in legislation. It could be about any topic of anything controversial. Most importantly, make the policy ORIGINAL. The policy has to be something that is not already passed as a bill. Please check to see what ever law propose is not already passed. We are practicing making new laws to be put into effect. Only write about what is asked below only. This is only the first part of law formulation. This essay part is only about the formulation phase only aka setting the agenda. It is to describe the problem and provide examples/ possible solutions to a problem.
Needs to be able to compromise I need to able to identify who will oppose the bill and who will be a proponent. More or so what groups would be for this bill, what groups would be against, the bill and why?

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