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1. The vinegar bottle normally has a 5% concentration, which is the equivalent of 0.83 M. Find your percent error using the average experimental value that you calculated for vinegar. Comment on your results. (Less than 10% error is acceptable, more than that requires additional discussion.)

%error=|”actual value – experimental value” |/”actual value” ×100%

2. Using the Ka value for HC2H3O2 from the pre-lab, find the Kb value for this anion.
3. If you reverse the equilibrium reaction described in the pre-lab, you can set up an ICE table and solve for x = [OH-], and use that to determine the pH. Using the concentration you found in this lab as the initial concentration of C2H3O2-, calculate the hydroxide concentration and the pH at the equivalence point.
C_2 H_3 O_2^-+H_2 O↔〖HC〗_2 H_3 O_2+OH^-
4. How does this value compare to the pH value on your graph at the equivalence point?




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