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Compare the data with the total number of accidents per year vs the total number of fatalities per year, to see if crashes have become less deadly over time as cars became safer. The link to the data is

https://cdan.nhtsa.gov/tsftables/tsfar.htm# under “Chapter 1:Trends” and under Large Truck Related : “Table 11
People Killed and Injured in Crashes Involving Large Trucks
by Person Type and Crash Type, 1975-2020”

A brief narrative summarizing the student’s finding(s) (8-10 paragraphs; longer OK)
Attribution to the public data set attached including the year(s), agency and other critical information
Explanation in simple language of the findings and impact

Create an Excel Chart AND a Table Representation summarizing the findings.
Graphics must be polished…no raw data or pivots
Should be attached/inserted into the final report


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