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Find the rubric and the example. in the example, they picked the university but we have picked the peak performance of the company. We are supposed to be a consultancy company doing a presentation to employees and giving them a workshop. The duration of the presentation has to be 45 minutes. we have to pick a particular issue they facing and elaborate and work on it for example it could be about client satisfaction. we are 5 students and each of us was assigned a role and what we can talk about can you please when doing the slides just put a note of who should be talking? For the 5, the first is Rubal she is our marketing manager, second is Trang and who is our training design manager, third is Suhail he is our training needs analysis manager, forth is Delight is operations manager, and fifth is Ibrahim he is our managing director and evaluation manager.
the one page was something I either wanted to give out to the audience as who we are or whatever I leave it to you.

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