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Diabetes Update Case Study
K.R. is a 50 year old homemaker. She has always been a little overweight, but now that she is in menopause, her weight has increased to 180 lbs. Her height is 5’5”. She was diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus about 2 years ago. Initially Kelly did well with just one medication, diet and exercise. However, at her last two visits her Hgb A1C was greater than 8% with fasting blood sugars of 190 mg/dL. Therefore, Januvia has been added to her medications. KR has also been admonished to increase her exercise to 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week. Although she did join a gym her busy schedule is such that she can only do aerobic exercise for 15 minutes 2 times during the weeks.
Metformin 500 mg tablets PO BID
Januvia 50mgs PO BID

Describe the pathophysiology of the microvascular changes that are seen with DM. What symptoms would she
have as these develop?

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