Read the article “Managing Marijuana: The Role of Data-Driven Regulation” and the following:
Briefly skim this article on how to report data with small numbers (pay attention to pp 2-6).
Review the guidance issued by the Federal Trade Commission on protecting personal data.
Watch this Podcast: Privacy and Predictions
- What did you find most interesting related to the use of data in the articles and podcasts?
- Royse, Thyer, and Padgett discuss privacy on pp. 44-47 and outcome evaluations on pp 228-234 (chapter 9). Pick one element of their privacy discussion and briefly describe it focusing on how it applies to an evaluation of program outcomes. Without getting into specifics, how well does your agency protect the identities of people included in its data?
- How useful are descriptive statistics to a program evaluator when the sample size is very small?
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