List of potential research topics
To complete the Article Research Paper due in Week 5, please select a topic from the list
provided below or from the chapter readings.
Managers’ challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts.
The three levels of analysis in this text’s OB model.
Developing managers’ interpersonal skills also helps organizations attract and keep highperforming employees.
Motivation and work performance
Leader behavior and power and work performance
Interpersonal communication and work performance
Group structure and processes and work performance
Attitude development and perception and work performance
Change processes and work performance
Conflict and negotiation and work performance
Work design and work performance
Positive organizational scholarship
Workplace discrimination undermines diversity effectiveness.
Stereotypes function in organizational settings.
Key biographical characteristics and organizational behavior (OB).
The relevance of intellectual and physical abilities to OB.
How organizations manage diversity effectively.
The relationship between age and job performance
Race and ethnicity on employment outcomes such as hiring decisions, performance
evaluations, pay, and workplace discrimination.
The components of an attitude.
Relationship between attitudes and behavior.
Major Job attitudes.
Approaches for measuring job satisfaction.
Main causes of job satisfaction.
Employee responses to dissatisfaction.
Differentiate between emotions and moods.
Sources of emotions and moods.
The impact emotional labor has on employees
Emotional intelligence.
Strategies for emotion regulation.
Personality, the way it is measured, and the factors that shape it.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework and the Big Five model
The concepts of core self-evaluation (CSE), self-monitoring, and proactive personality
contribute to the understanding of personality.
Personality predicts behavior.
Terminal and instrumental values.
Person-job fit and person-organization fit.
Hofstede’s five value dimensions and the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Effectiveness (GLOBE) framework.
Factors that influence perception.
Attribution theory.
Link between perception and decision making.
Rational model of decision making with bounded rationality and intuition.
How individual differences and organizational constraints affect decision making.
The three-stage model of creativity.
Key elements of motivation.
Early theories of motivation.
Self-determination theory and goal-setting theory.
Self-efficacy theory, reinforcement theory, equity theory, and expectancy theory.
Employee job engagement for managers.
Job characteristics model (JCM) and changing the work environment.
Variable-pay programs and employee motivation.
Intrinsic motivational benefits of employee recognition programs.
Punctuated-equilibrium model of group development.
Norms and individual’s behavior.
Status and size and group performance.
Issues of cohesiveness and diversity and group effectiveness.
Strengths and weaknesses of group decision making.
Continued popularity of teams in organizations.
Team arrangements.
Characteristics of effective teams.
How organizations can create team players.
Functions and process of communication.
Downward, upward, and lateral communication through small-group networks and the
Oral, written, and nonverbal communication.
Automatic and controlled processing of persuasive messages.
Common barriers to effective communication.
How to overcome the potential problems of cross-cultural communication.
Trait theories of leadership.
The central tenets and main limitations of behavioral theories.
Contingency theories of leadership.
Contemporary theories of leadership and their relationship to foundational theories.
Roles of leaders in creating ethical organizations.
How leaders can have a positive impact on their organizations through building trust and
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