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Read the entire section Complex Diseases Linked to the Gut Microbiota in Chapter 4 of the required textbook. Then focus on your assigned disease conditions.
Condition a brief literature search for new evidence (published no earlier than 2019) on the link between gut microbiota and your assigned disease condition(s). LIVER DISEASE
In your initial post, please:
Summarize the information in the chapter related to your assigned disease condition(s). Make sure to include the link between the condition and gut microbiota, mechanisms of the link, evidence supporting the link, and any gap in evidence or direction for future research.
Briefly summarize the research article you come across from the literature review. Please do not be limited by the original abstract of the article. Make sure to summarize the article in your own words. Make sure your summary can allow your readers to get a clear idea of what was done, how it was done, and what the conclusion was.

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