Chp 3 Invitational Skills, Learning the Art of Helping, 6th Ed..pdf
Respond to the Chapter Notes Template questions:
Your grade will be based on a) the evidence that you read and thought about the ideas, b) your proper use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and c) the quality of your response to your classmate.
List a word from the reading that you do not know. Write the definition here. (1 point)
Pick a quote from the reading you think is interesting or important. Write the page number and include the quote from the reading with quote marks. Write what you think is interesting or important in at least 15 words (about 1 sentence). (2 points)
Pick a quote from the reading you agree with or disagree with. Write the page number and include the quote from the reading with quote marks. Explain your agreement or disagreement in at least 15 words (about 1 sentence). (2 points)
Pick a quote from the reading and give an example from real life. Write the page number and include the quote from the reading with quote marks. Describe your example in at least 15 words (about 1 sentence). (2 points)
Describe something you learned from the reading, something that was confusing, or a question you have in least 15 words (about 1 sentence). (No quote necessary unless you want to include it. 1 point)
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