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1. Which of the following is NOT a skill involved in reading?
a) Adapting reading style according to purpose and text
b) Understanding the meaning of every word
c) Making inferences about people, things and events
d) Playing video games
e) Memorizing poetry
2. What is the main challenge for language testers when measuring reading
a) The lack of clear demonstration of the skills involved in reading
b) Difficulty in designing tasks that result in observable behavior
c) The need for candidate to have prior knowledge of the text
d) Difficulty in determining the credibility of the test takers
e) Difficulty in measuring the speed of reading
3. Which of the following is not a type of expeditious reading?
a) Skimming
b) Search reading
c) Scanning
d) Main idea reading
e) Careful reading
4. What is the main advantage of expeditious reading?
a) It allows for more time to read
b) It improves comprehension
c) It allows for a more in-depth analysis
d) It is helpful in studying overseas
e) It is a prerequisite for slow and careful reading
King Saud University,
Diploma Programme, Prof. Yousif Alshumaimeri
CI 525M Language Assessment Approaches & Methods
5. Which of the following is not a text type that candidates may be expected
to deal with?
a) Video games
b) Textbooks
c) Handouts
d) Poems/verse
e) Encyclopedias
6. Which of the following is not a graphic feature that may be included in a
a) Tables
b) Charts
c) Diagrams
d) Food
e) Cartoons
7. Which of the following is not a text form that candidates may be expected
to encounter?
a) Description
b) Exposition
c) Debate
d) Instruction
e) Narration
8. What type of text is most suitable for testing reading at an intermediate
level of proficiency?
a) Narrative
b) Descriptive
c) Expository
d) Persuasive
e) Poetic
9. What is the main criterion for determining the level of performance on a
reading comprehension test?
a) Speed of reading
b) Vocabulary size
c) Grammatical accuracy
d) Inferential understanding
e) Cultural background
King Saud University,
Diploma Programme, Prof. Yousif Alshumaimeri
CI 525M Language Assessment Approaches & Methods
10.How is the score on a reading comprehension test typically determined?
a) Number of words read per minute
b) Number of vocabulary words used
c) Number of grammatical errors made
d) Number of questions answered correctly
e) The number of idiomatic expressions used.


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