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Construct an extended definition essay using one of the following prompts:
Choose a word from this list:
Kindness Pride
Love Vanity
Charisma Greed
Respect Embarrassment
Happiness Sadness
Success Peace
Faith Jealousy
Individuality Envy
Loyalty Prejudice
Once you have chosen your word, explore the abstract nature of the word. Because abstract words have definitions that are sometimes difficult to explain, consider how you can make the meaning clear to your reader. You should start with a lexical definition of the word. Beyond that, you can structure the essay in any way you wish.

Choose a document or ritual that is a significant part of your religious or cultural heritage. Define it, using any pattern or combination of patterns you choose, but be sure to include a formal definition somewhere in your essay. Assume your reader is not familiar with the term you are defining.

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