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-Definition of your chosen Community
-Windshield Survey
-Community Assessment Data Generation
-Community Partners and Resources
-Community Health Diagnosis
-Community Health Plan
-Interventions of Community Health Plan
-Describe the implementation of a project or activity. Include teaching, development of educational materials, etc. This is where you will show off all your hard work and give details that will help support a substantive clinical project.
-Include all materials developed: PowerPoint presentation, pamphlets, pictures of posters, advertising material, photo of you conducting your education session, etc.
-Evaluation of Community Health Plan, both formal and informally
-Evaluate your project’s success, objectives, and SMART goals.

  • How did things go? Did anything unexpected happen?
    -Were your short-term goals met, partially met, or not met?
    -How will the success of your interventions be evaluated long-term?
    -State what you might change to better accomplish the goal if it were not met. As you may remember from care planning, unmet goals usually need a change in interventions, or a change in the goal to be more realistic.
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