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Throughout this course, we have tried to emphasize the importance of meeting nutritional needs through a healthy diet, rather than through the use of supplements. Exceptions are made when individuals may need certain nutrients in greater amounts than those found in one’s normal diet – for example, during pregnancy, or when a specific nutrient deficiency is diagnosed by a physician.
Let’s apply this concept with regards to protein supplementation.
Dan is a healthy, moderately active, 6 ft., 200 lb. male, whose recommended total caloric intake is 2000 calories a day. He goes to the gym three times a week and concentrates primarily on free weights and a few weight training machines. Dan’s trainer at his gym has recommended that he take a daily protein shake which supplies 250 grams of protein to enhance his strength training workouts.
Answer the following question:
1. Based on the Guidelines for proportionality of the macronutrients, what is the range of calories of high quality protein that Dan should aim to consume a day (on average)? Between _____________ calories and _____________ calories..
2. Dan goes to his favorite restaurant and has a 6-oz steak. It contains 125 grams of protein. How many calories of protein has Dan consumed in that single stead? _____________
3. Based on your calculations, if this is the only protein food Dan consumes that day, has he met his minimum protein requirements? Yes or No ________
4. Would you recommend he take the protein shake? Yes or No? _________
5. Briefly explain your answer to #4

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