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• How does the book and Fowler’s theory fit, or not fit, with a Christian worldview? With your own worldview?
• What are some aspects of the book and the theory that you agree or disagree with? Why?
• How does the theory fit, or not fit, with what you are learning about adult psychology, or with your own perceptions of adult development and psychology? How does the theory fit with your own perceptions of, and beliefs about, Christianity?
• How does the theory fit, or not fit, with what the Bible teaches about faith and development?
• How does the theory apply to your own life? Or does it apply at all? If not, why not?
• What stage of faith do you see yourself as being in? How did you get there? Or do you not see this model as applying to your own spiritual development? If not, why not?
• Do you think there is an optimal stage of faith? Why or why not?

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