Compose a 3 to 5 page, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman in APA format response on the below topic.
Tom, male age 32, has a spouse and children, history of depression. Tom was arrested for a DUI, first offense.
Using the information from your state, consider the following to discuss in your paper:
- You can focus on the entire state and use different examples or focus on a particular area. For example, if discussing Louisiana, I could name different things from different areas or I could simply discuss the scenario like the person was in Lafayette and only use Lafayette information.
- How often does something like this case happen?
- What academic literature sources help to show these issues exist in your state and/or the United States?
- What stigmas could this person face?
- What happens after this person was arrested?
- What programs exist that will benefit this individual?
o Mental Health
o Substance Use if applicable
o Criminal Justice - What obstacles could this person face?
- If they were successful/unsuccessful in a specific program, what would be the outcome?
- How would life be for this person when, or if, they return from jail?
- What is the possibility of recidivism?
- Is there any other program from another state or even a country that could be helpful to this person or persons?
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