Learning Goal: I’m working on a english discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Week 2 is focused on the rich cultures and people in America (both continents) prior to the arrival of the Europeans, so based on what you read in our text, module videos, and the primary sources provided please briefly describe what America was like back then. Just give me a synopsis (short summary) and highlight anything that stood out to you.
Once you have posted please respond to two of your peers by highlight what you learned and or reactions to their post.
Be sure to address your peer in your response by their preferred name and sign your name at the end. Respond to two peers who have yet to receive a response by a classmate. If everyone’s discussion post has been responded to, respond to the ones with the least amount of responses. For example, if every student has at least one response, then respond to the students who only have one or two responses instead of those who have 5 or 6 already.
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