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Task summary: Write a 5-page APA-style research proposal on Herbal medicine vs Modern Medicine. Use at least 4 academic sources. Follow the prompts inside the attachments.

Full order description:

MAIN DETAILS: Students will develop a research proposal (not including the title and reference page) to investigate a current public health issue. The proposal should include a proposal for change that demonstrates sensitivity to racial/ethnic, political, economic, and social characteristics. The format should be 12-point Times New Roman font and have appropriate style formatting. Additional instructions and a complete rubric are provided at the end of the syllabus and in Canvas.

NOTE: Under NO circumstances is artificial intelligence (AI) software is to be used to generate your policy paper. Please do not use any websites to check grammar, paraphrase your work etc. Your policy report will be checked and if Al software was shown to be used will result in a report with a percentage. If Al is shown to be used to generate your paper, you will receive a zero with no resubmits.

ATTACHED:-Instructions-Research Topic-Concept Map-Rubric

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