Click the following links and watch ONE of the following films, focusing on gender inequality in developing countries. Write your journal by following the
instructions below. Your discussion should be sociological, addressing your opinion toward the current social trend on gender inequality in various types of
societies. Your comment should be no less than 500 words in total and original. Each question is worth 1 point. 1 point will be deducted from your original
score if you do not conduct a spell check before submitting your work or follow the instructed writing format.
“Girls Rising”:
“Educated Girl”:
“Half the Sky”:
- In your first paragraph discuss what you learned from the film. Alternatively, you could discuss the arguments introduced in the film that you would agree
with and why. - In your second paragraph present your critique and/or questions toward the issues addressed in the film. Alternatively, you could discuss the arguments
introduced in the film that you would not agree with and why. - In your third paragraph discuss how gender socialization and women’s status in other countries introduced in the film differs from the lives of average
American women and girls. Additionally, you can discuss how similar they are if any. - In your fourth paragraph discuss your overall opinions and/or reactions to the topic after watching the film.
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