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Based on the Lesson 14 pages in Canvas and Chapter 16 from the textbook, write a 350- to 400 word essay based on the following:
o Choose two countries and two topics from the course that are relevant to employment at the international level.
• For example, you may choose the refugee status of people entering the United States and Lebanon and the difference gender may have on outcomes. Does gender impact the chances of being admitted to one country? Both?
• You could also write about religion and employment, perhaps comparing cases in India and France. What typesf protective laws set the rules for non-discrimination based upon religion and religious affiliation each case?
• Please note that you can refer. any two countries, be these in Europe, North America, Central or South America, Asia, or elsewhere.
o Using some of the databases mentioned in this lesson, summarize the most recently published data, clearly indicating your sources of information and the year the data was collected.
o Summarize the data you chose using four to six separate paragraphs.
o Conclude your eswy with a paragraph that encapsulates your main findings based on the essay.
o If you would liketr try a new writing method, consider writing an introductory paragraph last, describing the content of the entire essay you have already written.
• Yes, this should be done after you have written everything listed above, but position it at the start of the essay. The rationale here is that you then know exactly what you have included and also know of your findings.

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