Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates.
Watch the following video about Unique’s story (Office of Justice Programs, 2017):
After watching the video, review the Roles in Juvenile Services activity below and choose a juvenile service provider role that you would like to take on. As that juvenile service provider, you will discuss the different environmental factors that influenced Unique.
CJUS285_Roles-in-Juvenile-Services_IconRevealer (careered.com)
There are several different environmental influences that guide and shape good and bad behaviors for youths. Review the given perspectives, and in your response, consider 1 of the following:
Gender and delinquency
Families and delinquency
Schools and delinquency
In your Discussion Board post, address the following:
What environmental factors do you believe are most relevant in Unique’s life right now?
In your juvenile service provider role, what would you have done to help Unique?
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