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  1. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a science that uses principles of learning and behavior change to improve socially significant behaviors. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of key ABA concepts by exploring the following topics:
    • Perspectives, features, and applications of ABA: Discuss the different perspectives within ABA, its key features, and its diverse applications across various populations and settings.
    • Stimulus, behavior, and response: Define and differentiate between the three pillars of ABA: stimulus, behavior, and response. Provide examples of each.
    • Classical and operant conditioning: Compare and contrast the two main forms of learning in ABA: classical and operant conditioning. Use specific examples to illustrate your understanding.
    • Reinforcement: Explain the concept of reinforcement in ABA, including its different types and their effects on behavior.
    • Schedules of reinforcement: Describe various schedules of reinforcement used in ABA and analyze their impact on behavior acquisition and maintenance.
    • Write a well-structured essay of 3-5 pages (excluding references) addressing all the above topics.
    • Demonstrate critical thinking and understanding by going beyond mere definitions and providing thoughtful explanations, examples, and analysis.
    • Integrate relevant scholarly sources (at least 5) to support your claims and demonstrate research engagement.
    • Format your paper according to APA 7 style guidelines.
    • Proofread your essay carefully for grammar, spelling, and clarity.
    • Submit this paper by the due date.
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