Name the company case study you have chosen.
In this case study the company made a key decision central to the scandal and causing legal implications. State in one sentence the two choices the company had and the decision in made. For example, this is a statement of a decisional dilemma:
“Company ABC chose the cheaper option of dumping toxic waste in the River Green instead of disposing it in proper containers at legally authorized toxic waste disposal facility.” 10
Identify the law(s) and/or regulation(s) violated by the company’s action, including statute citation. Example:
Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. §7401 et seq. (1970) 10
Choose ONE of the following three ethical frameworks that most closely explains the company’s choice of conduct in making this decision. Write your selection in the next column. YOU WILL DEVELOP THIS IN YOUR WEEK 7 PPT.
• free market ethics
• egoism
• utilitarianism 10
Cite one peer-reviewed or scholarly article* that explains and discusses the ethical framework you selected in the above question.
Choose ONE of the following three ethical frameworks that, if followed by the company, would have led the company to make a different decision. Write your selection in the next column. YOU WILL DEVELOP THIS IN YOUR WEEK 7 PPT.
• ethics of care
• virtue ethics
• deontology 10
Cite one peer-reviewed or scholarly article that explains and discusses the ethical framework you selected in the above question.
Identify another legal issue involving this company either in the case study or otherwise in your research about this company. This must relate to the company and be in addition to the main legal issue or claim relating to the decision. Examples: contract, bankruptcy, whistleblowing, employment law, torts, intellectual property, criminal law, intellectual property.
Simply state the area of law or claim here. You will expand and explain this in your Week 7 PPT. 10
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