Some of my takeaways from being at Summit, as it pertains to our team and myself personally.
We have everything we need in-house.
Our maturity in the kingdom is measured by the God-likeness that is seen in us. How are we living, functioning, and stewarding?
- That your ability to be accurate does not ensure your maturity. (Yes we are not babes in Christ)
Our submission to God will determine where I am going. - Do you know where we are going? Are you truly committed to the vision, what is your part to contribute? Do you know how to connect?
- Giving, Tithing, First Fruit, and Incorporating these things do not have to be placed just on the Apostle to bring to the team. Sowing into the KAATC Land fund.
- Levels of functioning on the team, everyone may not be at the same level, are you truly growing and being intentional, Growth.
- Everyone’s voice is important, so what is God downloading for you to share with the team, through leading prayer or teaching? This also ensures the growth, and accountability of every member of the team.
- Using our voices in whatever spheres God has placed us.
- FORGIVENESS!!!!! Speak ?? no matter how long ago it may have been. It’s essential that we acknowledge, grow and move forward.
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