A company’s financial reports are used for various reasons, including determining how the company is doing in the financial market. You decide to evaluate the effects of economic and market conditions on the Fortune 500 company selected in week one. Completing this exercise provides you with financial market research to present to your management team to inspire new KPIs and policies.
Use the previous year’s financial reports research you completed in Week 3.
Write a 2- to 3-page shareholder analysis in which you address the following:
Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance. Consider political, environmental, currency (money), global economics, and government influences on economic conditions.
Compare market conditions from the previous year with the company’s performance for that same year. Conclude how the market conditions that year influenced the company’s performance, such as interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank monetary policy changes, or other market conditions relevant to the company you selected.
Analyze year-over-year performance from the past three years (2020, 2021, & 2022). Provide the 2020, 2021, and 2022 trailing PE ratio, forward PE ratio, price to book, return on assets, and return on equity
Cite references to support your assessment according to APA guidelines. Use the APA Template in the Writing Center if you write a paper. The APA Template is in Microsoft Word. Use the Sample PowerPoint in the Writing Center if you write a presentation. And include speaker notes with each slide except the title and reference pages. If you need help locating the APA Template of Sample Presentation, send me a private message.
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