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Question 12 pts
1) Although the Fifteenth Amendment prohibited the use of race as a qualification for voting, southern states during the Jim Crow era still found ways to prevent African-Americans from voting by drafting laws that required voters to read and write, or pay a poll tax.
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Flag question: Question 2
Question 22 pts
2) Identify the best definition for Social Darwinism – a philosophy many corporate industrial leaders used during the Gilded Age:
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Religious groups should defend the rights of the poor in cities and enlist government assistance in doing so

Western lands should be granted to European immigrants at low cost

Laws of evolutionary progress could be applied to human society and were explained by the phrase “survival of the fittest.”

Society developed according to fixed biblical principles, primarily defined by the law of no change

Flag question: Question 3
Question 32 pts
3) Populists refused to support the creation of labor unions and opposed government interference in the economy.
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Flag question: Question 4
Question 42 pts
4) The idea of the Lost Cause was a romanticized view of the causes of the Civil War and the realities of the Old South. This myth was perpetuated by many southern leaders, including some churches and religious leaders, and it created a memory of the war that often positioned slavery as a positive good, if it acknowledged it at all.
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