·Evaluate how the media developed over time, and explain its evolution in the United States.
·Identify the challenges and milestones related to its development and how the selected media became part of contemporary American society.
All content must be on the slide. Do not add speaker notes in the Power Point. Presentation must include the following:
Title Slide, Introduction Slide stating which of the 3 modern media listed above you are presenting, a minimum of 6 slides of content, Conclusion Slide and Reference Slide, listing at least 2 references in APA format. (References listed must be included with an in-text citation in APA format).
Make sure presentation is readable, with readable font and backgrounds that are clear.
Include the following information in your timeline presentation:
·List at least 6 major events in chronological order that are part of the evolution of your selected media. These major events could include important milestones, technological advancements, and challenges related to the development of your media.
·Provide a 2- to 4-sentence description of each chosen event.
·Provide the dates associated with the chosen events and the event’s impact on the media and American culture.
Cite at least 2 sources/references with in-text citations to support your research. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source/reference.
Format your presentation according to APA guidelines for 100-299 courses.
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