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Part 1: ELP Standard Level Comparison
Review the most current (2019) English Language Proficiency Standards and the English Language Proficiency Standards Guidance Document on the Arizona Department of Education website.

Select an elementary grade band to focus on (K, 1st, 2nd-3rd, or 4th-5th). Choose an ELP standard and sub-skill within that grade band that has a performance indicator for each proficiency level (Pre-Emergent/Emergent, Basic, and Intermediate).

Fill out the table below with your chosen grade band, standard, and sub-skill.

Grade Band Standard Pre-Emergent / Emergent Basic Intermediate
Grades 2-3 Example:
Standard 1: By the end of each language proficiency level, an English learner can construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through grade appropriate listening, reading, and viewing. Example:
PE/E-4: retell a
familiar text using key words and phrases. Example:
B-4: retell a variety of
texts using key details. Example:
I-4: recount a variety of texts using key details.
Insert grade band
Insert standard # and description
PE/E-# (insert performance indicator)
B-# (insert performance indicator)
I-# (insert performance indicator)

Part 2: Instructional Supports and Adjustments
Consider the fact that, during a lesson, the teacher may need to adjust 1 or more portions of the lesson for students who are at different proficiency levels. In the chart below, describe examples of instructional supports and adjustments for a lesson related to the standard and sub-skill you identified in Part 1. Refer to the standards document for guidance.

Proficiency Level Specific instructional supports and adjustments to a lesson for each proficiency level Applications to other content areas, as appropriate for each proficiency level (See content area connections in the ELPS)
Pre-Emergent / Emergent

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