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Alcohol – History, Current Use, Effects on the Brain, and Prevention Program SHAHRP
Ivania Delgado
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https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yr7Wmj0KHKoTgAHextysjDxPTqoPO98q?usp=sharingLinks to an external site.
Current Alcohol Use In 2020, 50% of Americans aged 12 or older reported to using alcohol in the past month (Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality 2021). Alcohol use varies greatly, with negative consequences increasing as patterns of alcohol use increase.
Article on Recovery Recovery in Special Emphasis Populations – PMC (nih.gov)Links to an external site.
For this discussion, please share with us the effects that alcohol has on the brain and include a reflection (pros and cons) about the prevention program mentioned below. Excessive alcohol consumption has been shown to significantly affect the brain, including impairments in cognitive function, memory, and mood regulation. You should also consider the impact of individual differences in alcohol sensitivity, such as genetic factors, gender, and age, on alcohol’s effects on the brain.
Your submission should demonstrate a deep understanding of the neurobiology of alcohol and its effects on the brain, as well as your ability to evaluate and synthesize complex scientific literature critically.
Some examples of what you may want to research for this submission:
Wernicke-Karsakoff Syndrome
Aging/Grey Matter
Or choose a specific area of the brain affected by alcohol consumption and write on the effects of alcohol on that area.
Prevention Program: School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project- SHAHRP This program was developed by the National Drug Research Institute and is aimed at reducing alcohol-related harm and risky consumption practices (Positive Choices 2022). The program is conducted over two years, beginning in 8th grade. It uses a variety of teaching methods to engage students. Its benefits include reducing alcohol consumption, delayed and reduced growth rate of alcohol use, reduced binge drinking, reduced alcohol-related harms, increased alcohol knowledge, and promoted safer alcohol-related knowledge (Positive Choices 2022).

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