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Effective health communication is as important to health care as clinical skill. To improve individual health and build healthy communities, providers need to recognize and address the unique culture, language, and health literacy of diverse consumers and communities. As Advanced Practice Nurses, we must be knowledgeable but also culturally savvy and understand the nuances of the populations that we serve.

For this discussion, identify a vulnerable population in your own community. (I live in South Florida, it could be homeless population, or elderly population, but it is up to you). Describe the characteristics of this group—what makes them vulnerable—and utilize at least three scholarly resources to answer only one of the following questions for your initial post.

  1. Paraphrase concepts/theories specific to healthcare disparities as related to vulnerability; provide at least three applications of concepts/theories that could be implemented within your community.
  2. As an APRN, how can you advocate for this identified vulnerable population within your community? List and discuss at least three ways in which you can advocate.
  3. How does what you learned about your own cultural competency affect how you might approach your role as an advocate? Did you find that you had bias? Were you aware of your bias prior to this exercise?
  4. As an APRN, how will you strive to be culturally competent and respectful to those you serve? List and discuss at least three behaviors/characteristics of a culturally competent and respectful APRN.
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