There should be 5 strategic factors for Strengths and 5 strategic factors for Weaknesses.
Internal factors are those the firm has control over. “Does Amazon control this activity or not?” For instance, Amazon has control over the dates to release new products, or what products to sell each year. But Amazon does not control the economic conditions that would determine the demand for those products.
Fill in the table in TemplateSA-EXH2-IFAS. The table has five columns: Internal Factors, Weight, Rating, Weighted Score and Comments.
Use short names for the factors but flesh them out in the comments so they make sense when you approach them later on. A generically named factor can be listed on both the EFAS and IFAS so long as the comments made the difference clear between the two. You should modify the names, so this situation does not arise.
Your comments make all the difference in the quality of the EFAS.
Use the template for Exhibit 2 – IFAS
Use the TemplateSA-EXH2-IFAS.docx as the template for your work. Ensure that your format displays correctly and is readable. Do NOT copy from the text or from the Template IFAS text! Use your own critical analysis and critical thinking. The template is provided to assist you with the layout–i.e., make it easy for you to construct the chart. The template also gives you a good idea of the appropriate explanations required in the Comments blocks about the why an SF, potential quantified impact, how weighted, and how rated.
Comments Column
Comments are expected to be 4-5 sentences in length and depth and offer a clear explanation of the strategic factor (SF) in 4 aspects:
Why it is a strategic factor (SF), core competency (CC) or distinctive competency (DC); (1-2 sentences only)
A quantified estimate of the potential impact (QPI) of the SF; (1 sentence only)
How you assign the weight; (1 sentence only) and
How you assign the rating. (1 sentence only)
Recent Comments