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Part 2: Create the basic switch configurations

2.1 Cable the network
Describe in a few sentences which devices connect to which other devices using what specific kind of cable, on which specific interfaces? For example:
1. I connect an Ethernet cable on port 1 on device A to port 1 on device B.

2.2. Configure the basic switch functions
Describe the basic switch configuration here as if you are entering the commands into the devices. For example:
1. I add an enable password using enable password p@ssw0rd

2.3 Configure the computers
Describe the configuration you enter into each computer. For example:
1. I add an ip address of with a subnet mask of and gateway of to the wired Ethernet interface.

2.4 Test and Validate Connectivity
Describe how you test and validate the above is functioning correctly per the project specifications. For example:
1. I ping from PC-A and the result is reply from

Part 3: Define the VLANs
Describe the VLAN switch configurations here using the format from part 2. Be sure to describe how you test and validate the VLAN implementation.


Part 4: Implement VLAN Trunking
Describe the VLAN trunking switch configurations here using the same format as the prior two parts. Be sure to describe how you test and validate the VLAN implementation.

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