Develop a workplace training PowerPoint Training for a team of U.S. managers who are to be sent to work overseas.
Select a country or area or sate or province of a country where these managers will be tasked to oversee a number of employees that are native to that country.
Identify specific cultural dimensions of your country in relation to the U.S. and potential cultural barriers to communication in business and the workplace. Chose 3 from the following list or find ones that your team wants to discuss.
Each one will be 1 to 2 slides.
Nonverbal communication in the workplace.
Humorous topics appropriate in the workplace.
Meeting management.
Time management in this culture.
Professional attire.
Lunch and meals.
Bowing vs handshake.
Gift giving.
Addressing and voicing concerns in this culture.
Communication style.
Work ethic.
Eye contact.
Giving instructions.
Team management.
Any other items you find in your research.
You are not sending someone on vacation. Concentrate on work related steps to take and cultural norms in the workplace.
Provide some specific guidelines for the U.S. managers who are in a diverse
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