Students will access the assigned video below and submit their critical thinking analysis in response to the content delivered. Students must follow the guidelines in the critical thinking video analyses’ outline, found in Blackboard. Responses should be 3-5 pages in length and follow the expectations of APA. In order to access the assigned video, students will visit the FDU Library website, click A-Z Database, and click “Sage Video Social Work Collection.”
Video I: “Feels so Good…Hurts so Bad” (Chapters 1-12, total time 28 min, 38 sec)
1. Access and view the assigned video.
2. Introduce the video with a summary of its contents and primary focal point(s).
3. Provide a thorough description of the target population
Elements of diversity?
Similarities/differences identified within the population?
4. Identify/address any relevant theories and/or terminology included in the video that relate to this course.
5. Identify/address any approaches to engagement included in the video. If no specific demonstrations are provided, what engagement strategies might be important to consider while working with this population?
Any specific demonstrations?
Which tactics seemed most appropriate to connect with the population?
Any tactics that were unsuccessful?
Any engagement strategies you can think of that you might include that were not demonstrated? Why?
6. Identify/address any approaches to assessment included in the video.
Any specific tools or methods?
Which tactics seemed most appropriate to assess the population?
Any tactics that were unsuccessful?
Any assessments you might include that were not demonstrated? Why?
7. Identify/address intervention(s) included in the video.
Any specific interventions?
Which interventions seemed most appropriate?
Any tactics that were unsuccessful?
Any interventions you might include that were not included? Why?
8. Provide a summary of your “take aways”.
What 1 or 2 facets of the video stood out to you most in terms of what was learned?
Has this video impacted your views of this population?
Has this video impacted your views of addictions and the recovery process?
How might the content of the video direct/impact your future practice?
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